
Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Hostage Situation

I guess it isn't very nice to refer to one's family as "Hostage Takers", is it?

Years ago, my grandmother came to visit after the birth of my second child. She arrived with a car trunk full of suitcases and stayed for weeks. My uncle said she took us hostage in our own home. To this day, Big Daddy refers to that visit as "The Hostage Situation".

Well, this past weekend, my aunt (my mother's sister) and uncle came to visit my parents for a few days. My mom invited us to come for Sunday brunch, before they left to go home. Big Daddy said we were going to negotiate the "Hostage Situation".

I was thrilled to see them all together; it doesn't happen often. Not that they don't want to, it just doesn't happen due to distance, different schedules, etc., maybe even a little pig-headedness (ie. "But, I called her last"). I think that if they made a little more of an effort, it could be done. Afterall, my mom goes in her direction on road trips to the Finger Lakes, and my aunt comes to Atlantic City occasionally (and AC is not far from my mom; certainly not in relation to the 3 hour drive it takes her to get there!) Neither of them stays put for long-funny because they called my grandmother "One-foot-out-the-door-Mabel"!

It is sad that we sometimes have to make such an effort to get together. I think it should be a natural occurance...Oh, like Earthquakes??

My aunt, My mom, & me at my mom's house

NOTE: I loved having my grandmother stay with us! Even if it meant gaining half a ton eating her incredible cooking!

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