
Thursday, November 27, 2008

They're dropping like flies!

Here I sit, on Thanksgiving Day, blogging my heart out. You are probbly thinking I A) Have nowhere to go, or B) Am going to someone's house for dinner. WRONG! I had place(S) to be! I am NOT going to someone's house.

Yes, I am cooking on Thanksgiving and have time to sit, wine glass in hand (half empty- or is that half full?- bottle sitting nearby) aimlessly surfing the web. We turned down 2 invitations in order to have dinner at our house, and we did include the "inviters", who became the first flies to drop. That's ok, we still have my parents (whom I only last week found out that they were not going to the sibling's, as usual; what's up with that?) and my other "spawn with family".

My daughter always attends the "Command Performance" at her mother-in-law's; wouldn't dare suggest otherwise. That's ok with me because I get them for the entire Christmas celebration, beginning on Christmas Eve and ending somewhere after Christmas dinner. This is something which I came to accept early on. I learned how to pick my battles with the in-laws!
Another last minute game call-The Kid's mom has to babysit her younger brothers while her mother works, and she refuses to bring them here. Can't say I argued too hard on that one.
So, we are down to 5. That's fine with me-I still cook for 100. I have never, even after 36+ years of marriage, been able to figure out how to cook for 2. BUT, wouldn't you think that everyone could be a little bit early to watch some football or something? My mother has a long history of lateness. I remember once, when I was first married, having Thanksgiving at my Grandmother's with the whole family. Of course Big Daddy and I were there way ahead of time so that we could visit and have fun with my cousins before dinner. I know it was a 4 hour drive, but if I could do it, couldn't my mom? No. They arrived about an hour after dinner was set. I still can't figure out why she was annoyed that we had eaten without them; we did save them some. She complained that they left the dark meat (she likes white), the potatoes were cold, and there weren't any rolls left. Oh my!

I would never start without her but, she had better get here soon because I don't do this often and I want it to be good. Not only that, I am really hungry and I refuse to eat anything now and miss the pleasure of gorging myself intentionally later.

Besides, she has the pies!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I've been busy!

Well, I had some major technical difficulties last week but I am back and in full swing!
Today was really busy and the day flew by.

I had some towels to monogram for a Bridal Shower,

Taggies for a Baby Shower,

Custom blanket for the same shower,


And this is just too cute NOT to show.
I had a bride ask for something for her Flower Girls; This is what I came up with:

Friday, November 7, 2008

While You Wait

I don't know about you but, I hate waiting. I am impatient and I must have instant gratification. I had lots of that today.

I had to take my embroidery machine in to fix a self induced problem. The repair man told me to give him at least a few hours. No problem; I was in my old neighborhood (an hour away from home) so I planned to meet a friend (Just An Old Fashioned Gal) for lunch and maybe do a little shopping.

While I was shopping in Home Goods, I found a basket full of items, each one was right there waiting for me. I found a beautiful tablecloth and then found exactly 2 packages of 4 each, napkins, in the clearance aisle! Then I walked over to the toy aisle and found the perfect toy for The Kid--a balance board with a picture of his favorite thing, a duck!

After that, I turned around and there was my friend (she said she was tired of waiting for me)!

No waiting continued at the checkout line (no line). While I was paying, my phone rang and it was repairman letting me know that he had finished and my baby was ready!

We were pretty hungry so we jumped in our cars (yup, you guessed it; right in the first space) and went to a restaurant just down the street. Table for 2? Right this way! 12:30 and no waiting? Our food came out before we even had a chance to catch up.

This is what happens when you try to take a picture of yourself!

So in all, my day was great. After I left my friend at the restaurant, I was driving toward home when I saw the funniest thing. Well, it may not be funny to everyone but, it struck me so funny, I had to take a picture with my phone. I hope you can see it. Ok, it's too far away to see but here is what it says:

(Whoever)'s Art; Tattoos while you wait!

Since I hate waiting, I won't be going there anytime soon!