
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tag! I'm "it"!

I've been tagged! Not by just anyone, either! I was tagged by Just an Old fashioned Gal.

I know Marialena, personally and I can vouch for her being an old fashioned gal. She is also someone I call friend. We may not be "hang-out-together-do-lunch" type girlfriends, but she is definitely someone that I am proud to know. We have had more than a few encounters but this is one of my favorites:

This HAS to give you some idea what a hoot she can be! I love her!

Now, on to the tagging thing (which I can also credit her for teaching me).

Here are the rules:
1-Link to your tagger and list the rules
2-List 5 random facts about yourself
3-Tag 5 people
4-If you're tagged, play along and pass it on!

Here's the link to that fabulous life that I warned you would come up now and again:

1-I was an only child for 16 years but I am not the typical spoiled brat (I never lie, either)

2-I have been happily married for 36 years to my High School Sweatheart (and they said it wouldn't last. The secret? He travels....a lot!)

3-I've been to more countries than United States; not terribly proud of that (even though I had some really great times) but I am working on changing that next Spring

4-I went back to college at 47 and graduated summa cum laude; not like that woulda happened when I was 20!

5-I have very few friends my own age; most are more than 10 years younger than me. Who wants to hang out with old people anyway?

Ok, now this is the fun part....I am tagging:
Taking Chances
Mrs T Rod

This is as far as I go. I am still so new to the blogging world that I don't really know anyone else well enough to intrude upon them. Jeez! I hope those that I did impose upon, don't mind!


Vintage Gal Marialena said...

::dabbing tissue to eye:: Look lady, you're the queen of MILFS! I love you with the intensity of a thousand suns! Now stop being a blog virgin and blog your brains out!

Finesse said...

I'm working on it!