
Sunday, August 3, 2008

The real reason behind my first post...

Last night, I received a phone call from my dear friend D, who's husband is dying.

This isn't news. We have known for some time. It simply hit home today.

D's husband came home from work one day last August and his speach was slurred. She rushed him to the hospital, fearing a stroke. It turned out to be a brain tumor.

D is petrified to drive in the city so she called me and I ran right to the hospital to take her to Jefferson Hospital, to where they were transferring her husband.

A year hasn't even passed, and 3 surgeries and 2 rounds of chemo/radiation later, he is now in hospice. My friend spends every free minute by his bedside, at the Nursing Home. She only goes home to sleep (which she admits, is very infrequent) and let the dogs out.

He is slipping away fast now, and it made me realize that while we all know life has no guarantees, we need to make the best of every minute we do have.

I cannot afford to continue to procrastinate.

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